Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand† The phrase, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand† became famous as a quotation from Lincoln’s â€Å"A house divided† speech delivered at 17 June 1858, in what was then the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, upon accepting the Illinois Republican Party's nomination as that state's senator of the United States . The speech became the launching point for his unsuccessful campaign.Abraham Lincoln was not the first one who used the â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand† phrase: Sam Huston used it during the Senate debate on the Compromise of 1850,during the War of 1812; a similar line appeared in a letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren. Thomas Paine in 1776 and Thomas Hobbes, in 1651 used something very similar. We, as humans, are social beings†¦so we cannot live alone. We need friends and people with whom we can share our thoughts, our feelings, our life, our e xperiences and so on. For this reason we form all kinds of groups (friends group, school group, workplace group).If the members of a group are not united, they will be much more easier to defeat by a â€Å"common enemy† or by nature itself. If a group (house) is divided against himself, members will be more easier to beat one by one, then if they are united and their power cumulated. Even if, hypothetically, there is only one group and there will be no external danger, if the member of that group is disunited, the group could not stand and, sooner or later, if the conflicts are not solved, the group will divide in at least two other smaller groups( each one more powerless than the original group will be if its members are united).The â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand† phrase applies very well to smaller (but more bounding) groups. For example, a family where the partners are always arguing against each other, it will be very hard (if not impossible) to get over the life challenges and succeed together in life. It is even worse if that family involves at least a child, because it is very probably that he will follow his parents` example and be more rigid with his partner when he will grow up.Another good example are the groups formed in a world full of sharks all running for the biggest prey and winning: the businessman world. If two (or more) business associates are not united they will surely lose because bigger or more cunning sharks will profit from their division against each other. In conclusion a house divided against itself cannot stand (SEE What I did there? ) because it is much more difficult conquer it if its members are united than applying the famous quotation : divide et impera! .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Congress Study Guide Essay

1.What is the paradox regarding Congress and public opinion? Congress is considered by many to be the system’s broken branch. It has probably been the object of more mass public distrust and more elite reform proposals than either the presidency or the federal judiciary combined. This is true although most incumbent members usually win re-election and congress has consistently expanded programs and adopted policies that most citizens favor. 2. How does the book describe partisan polarization in Congress? What is the explanation for why Congress today seems more polarized than it die up until the 1970s? The book describes partisan polarization as a vote in which a majority of voting democrats oppose a majority of voting republicans. Congress today seems more polarized than it was up until the 1970s because of social issues such as abortion. Democrats tends to be more liberal and republicans more conservative. 3. Summarize the differences between Congress and a parliament and ho w these fundamental differences influence the character of the U.S. Congress.What were the main issues in the development of the Senate and how were these issues settled? Make sure that you understand what these terms refer to: filibuster, cloture, Rule 22. A person becomes a candidate for representative or senator in the U.S. Congress by running in a primary election. Except in a few places, political parties exercise little control over the choice over who is nominated to run for congressional office. Voters select candidates in the primaries because of their personalities, positions on issues, or overall reputation. Parliament tends to be made up of people loyal to the national party issues. A congress tends to be made up of people who think of themselves as independent representatives of their districts who expect to vote as to their own constituents. Filibuster: The use of the Senate’s tradition of unlimited debate as a delaying tactic to block a bill. Cloture: shuts of the discussion on a bill.Rule 22: debate may be closed of on a bill if 16 senators sign a petition requesting it and if, after two days have elapsed, three-fifths of the entire membership vote for cloture. 4)Why is Congress a decentralized institution and why is Congress inevitably unpopular with voters. Members of Congress are more concerned with their own constituents and careers than with the interests of any organized party or program of  action. Congress doesn’t choose the president, they know that worrying about the voters they represent is much more important than worrying about whether the president succeed with his programs. Congress must worry about how voters feel, it’s inevitable that on controversial issues that Congress will engage in endless arguments, worry about interest groups, and work out compromise decisions. 5) Read through the six phases of the House of Representatives so that you are clear about the rules changes and the balance of power between the Speaker and committee chairmen. Briefly summarize phases five-six. (It is not important for you to learn the name of individual Speakers except for Newt Gingrich – unless you want to be a history major or quiz bowl whiz.) Phase 1- the powerful house – 1789-1820-under Washington’s administration the house was more powerful than the Senate, but still answered to Washington’s cabinet. Phase 2-The Divided House- 1820-1890- Jackson asserted his power over the house. Sectional tensions leading up to the civil war the House was again divided between Radical Republicans and Moderates and different opinions on Reconstruction. Phase 3- The Speaker rules- 1890-1910 GOP Thomas Reed, Speaker of the House obtained the power to name chairpersons. He decides what business would come up for vote. Phase 4- The House Revolts- 1910- 1911 Cannon replaces Reed as the Speaker but the House revolts against him. The Speaker can no longer name committee chairpersons or serve on the rules committee. The powers were given to Party Caucus. Phase 5 -The Members Rule- 1911-1965-Democrats take control of the House. Chairpersons kept civil rights from happening. Eventually, the committee rebelled. Phase 6 -The Leadership Returns- 1965-Present. Newt Gingrich takes power back from the House and gives it to himself as a speaker. Although voted on by Party Caucus, he dominated choices of the committee chairperson. 6) How has the history and structure of the Senate meant that it would be different from the House of Representatives? The Framers chose to create a bicameral legislature—with a House of Representatives, to be elected directly by the people, and a Senate, consisting of two members from each state, to be chosen by the legislatures of each state. Though all â€Å"legislative powers† were to be vested in Congress, those powers would be shared with the president, limited to powers explicitly conferred on the federal government, and subject to the power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. 7) What were the main issues in the development of the Senate and how were these issues settled? Make sure that you understand what these terms refer to: filibuster, cloture, Rule 22. The larger more populous states wanted a senate based on population. Of course the smaller states objected because they would have been severely outnumbered. So both sides compromised and made the House of Representatives (by population) and the Senate (everyone has 2 representatives) together these two bodies make up. Ben Franklin came up with the idea for Senate as a means of satisfying the small states. Filibuster: The use of the Senate’s tradition of unlimited debate as a delaying tactic to block a bill. Cloture: shuts of the discussion on a bill.Rule 22: debate may be closed of on a bill if 16 senators sign a petition requesting it and if, after two days have elapsed, 3/5 of the entire membership vote for cloture. 8)Summarize the points that Edmund Burke made in his speech to the Bristol Electors about the responsibilities of a representative to his constituents. He basically said that a representative should have good judgment and should be sacrificial to his constituents. He should also respect the opinions of his constituents and to always listen to the people’s problems. 9) Briefly summarize the trends in the sex and race of members of Congress. The House has become less male and less white since the 1950s. The Senate has been slower to change. In addition, Republican control of both houses prior to the midterm election of 2006 had reduced minority influence. How ever, the recent shift of control of both chambers to the Democrats resulted in African Americans and Hispanics becoming chairpersons of several important committees. 10) Why have more congressional districts become safer for incumbent reelection? Incumbents, with support and privileges of their status (such as franking privileges) have developed ways to make themselves popular by: using the mass media, making personal appearances with constituents, and sending newsletters, etc. These efforts have made more and more congressional districts become safer for incumbent re-election. 11) What are the possible explanations for why the Democrats dominated Congress from 1933-1994? Democrats tend to dominate Congress. This is mostly because Democrats tend to do better in low-turnout districts, while the Republicans do well in high-turnout districts. The advantages of incumbency became more pronounced during a time when Democrats controlled the Congress. Democrats generally  have more experienced congressional candidates, have more closely reflected district-level voters’ rights policy preferences, and have been able to fashion winning,district-lev el coalitions from among national Democratic constituencies. Democrats were the majority party in Congress when this happened. The anti-incumbent mood, coupled with the effects of redistricting after the 1990 census and the shift of the South to the Republican party, brought the Republicans into power in the House and Senate in the 1994 elections. In the past the Democratic party was more deeply divided than the Republicans, because of the presence in Congress of conservative Democrats from the South. Often these southern Democrats would vote with Republicans, thereby forming a conservative coalition 12)Why has Congress become more ideologically partisan since the 1980s? It has become more polarized than voters in terms of political beliefs. One result of this polarization is that members of Congress, especially those in the House, do not get along as well as they once did with members who disagree with them, and they are more likely to challenge one another 13) Summarize the three theories of how members of Congress behave. There are three theories about how members of Congress behave: representational, org anizational, and attitudinal. The representational explanation is based on the assumption that members want to be reelected, and therefore they vote to please constituents. The organizational explanation is based on the assumption that since constituents do not know how their legislator has voted, it is not important to please them. But it is important to please fellow members of Congress, whose goodwill is valuable in getting things done and in acquiring status and power in Congress. The attitudinal explanation is based on the assumption that there are so many conflicting pressures on members of Congress that they cancel each other out, leaving them virtually free to vote on the basis of their own beliefs. 14.Define malapportionment and gerrymandering. From the online article on Gerrymandering 101, summarize what Minority Gerrymandering and packing are. Malapportionment- drawing the boundaries of political districts so that districts are very unequal in population. Gerrymandering- drawing the boundaries of political districts in bizarre or unusual shapes to make it easy for candidates of the party in power to win elections in those districts Packing is to concentrate as many voters of one type into a single electoral district to reduce their  influence in other districts. 15.What is the sophomore surge? Why does it happen? What effects does it have? Sophomore surge is where the most newly elected members become strong in their districts very quickly. The reason for this surge is that members of Congress have figured out how to use their offices to run personal rather than party campaigns. They make use of their free privileges. They also cater to their constituent’s distrust of federal gov’t by promising to â€Å"clean things up†if reelected. If re-elected, they run for congress by running against it. 16.Summarize the issues involved and the resolution in Baker v. Carr and Wesberry v. Sanders Both Wesberry and Reynoldsdecisions were predicated on the landmark ruling in Baker v. Carr,369 US 186 (1962), in which the US Supreme Court decided reapportionment of state legislative districts was not a â€Å"political question† that should be resolved through legislation. The Court found legislative conflicts of interest raised justiciable issues that could be addressed and resolved by the Federal courts. 17)What are the principal jobs and responsibilities in the party leadership in the Senate? The majority party chooses one of its members usually the person with the greatest seniority to be president of the Senate. It is largely an honorific posit ion, required by the Constitution so that the Senate will have a presiding officer in the absence of the vice president of the United States. The real leadership is the hands of the majority leader (chosen by the senators of the majority party) and the minority leader (chosen by the senators of the other party). The senators of each party also elect a whip. The principal task of the majority leader is to schedule the business of the Senate. He has the right to be recognized first in any floor debate. The whip is a senator who helps the party leader stay informed about what party members are thinking, rounds up members when important votes are to be taken, and attempts to keep a nose count on how the voting on a controversial issue is likely to go. Each party also chooses a Policy Committee composed of a dozen senators who help the party leader schedule Senate business, choosing what bills are to be given attention and in what order. From the point of view of individual senators, the key party organization is the group that assigns senators to the standing committees of the Senate. These assignments are very important to newly elected senator. 18) What are the formal and informal powers of the Speaker of the  House? The Speaker is the most important person in the House. He is elected by whichever party has the majority, and he presides over all House meetings. He is the principal leader of the majority party as well as the presiding officer of the entire House. The Speaker decides who shall be recognized to speak on the floor of the House; he rules whether a motion is relevant; and he decides the committees to which new bills shall be assigned. He influences what bills are brought up for a vote and appoints the members of special and select committees.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The True Meaning of 'Push' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The True Meaning of 'Push' - Essay Example ontext of the protagonist’s life, because it symbolically represents the fact that she has been left behind and needs to push her way forward to survive in the world. At the beginning of the story, Sapphire sets the stage by providing indications that the protagonist lags behind others. â€Å"I was left back when I was twelve because I had a baby for my fahver†¦ I had got left back in the second grade too, when I was seven, ‘cause I couldn’t read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1). In fact, Precious is considered such a hopeless case as far as learning is concerned that the principal of the school tells her teacher to give up and stop wasting time on her. â€Å"Focus on the ones who can learn† (39). Precious herself articulates the predominant view that exists about her learning powers. â€Å"The tesses paint a picture of me wif no brain†¦ the tesses paint a picture of me an’ my muver – my whole family, we more than dumb, we invisible† (33). Because Precious has been left so far behind, it is not even worth the time or effort for anyone to help her so that she can move forward. In having to push when giving birth to her first baby, Precious is, for the first time, encouraged to be assertive and aggressive rather than passive, drawing upon her basic, primal, female energy in bringing forth life (Marvel, 1996). The title Push, therefore, represents the basic energy of the female protagonist, who at sixteen, cannot read or write, still hasn’t completed high school and is already about to give birth to her second child. Nevertheless, she does not give up or submit to despair; she is always ready to keep fighting, as reflected in her attitude: â€Å" ‘N I really do want to learn. Every day I tell myself something gonna happen, some shit like on TV. I’m gonna break through or somebody gonna break through to me – I’m gonna learn, catch up, be normal, change my seat to the front of the class† (5). When the story commences and Precious is suspended from school because she is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assessing Patients Feedback On Receiving Herbal Medicine Treatment Dissertation

Assessing Patients Feedback On Receiving Herbal Medicine Treatment - Dissertation Example The basis of the finding is lined up in the literature review part, where the author has exhaustively cited examples that are arguably centralized on the herbal treatment. Understanding the importance of medical treatment, most of the literature cited here has submerged in the argument on whether clinicians should adhere in most of the clinics in the country to this right treatment. This report is a critical representation of a research done by the university polyclinics with the help of the social research institutes, on patients’ views on the effectiveness of the herbal Medicare. Recently complementary and Alternative medicine has been seeking to gain greater acceptance into the community and thus there is the greater emphasis for it to be taken first as a professional course. Thus the University of Westminster has the mandate to ensure all its students reach an acceptable standard that can be in a position to meet patients’ needs before awarding them a degree. First, the research has touched on the patient-centered care, where special issues and barriers have been put into the analysis (Barnes, 2009, pg34). After the target groups, which are the practitioners and some of the Herbal medicine students, have been identified, the next thing is to illustrate questionnaires and outline the data found by analysis them in a more strategized manner. After the above have been met, methodology and data analysis designs have been included, for the implementation purposes (Sinclair, 2010, pg42). It is better to understand that without a detailed analysis of the data, the target group might not give out clear variations and impact of herbal being included clinical treatment.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Music - Research Paper Example This kind of music is highly inspired by the music of Appalachia (Peterson). Example of Bluegrass Music: Blue Moon of Kentucky is a beautiful composition by the bluegrass musician, Bill Monroe. It is basically a waltz which was written in 1946. Later, this song was sung and recorded by different other artists including Elvis Presley. It is an official song of Kentucky. The song starts with slow smooth tunes and then picks it pace a bit faster on the notes of banjo and acoustic guitar. The song discusses the moonlight and the romantic aura it creates in the night. The lyrics are simple but very captivating. It has different expressions of love, sadness on saying goodbyes to the loved one and a prayer that this moon will always shine brightly on the one who has just said goodbye. In simple words, it’s a beautiful bluegrass musical composition ( Blue Moon of Kentucky). c- Hanks Williams: Hanks Williams was an American country music artist. He was famous for his excellent musical compositions and song writing. ‘Your Cheating Heart,’ ‘Hey Good Looking,’ and ‘I am so Lonesome I Could Cry’ represent some of his magnificent musical work. His songs have been sung and recorded by different musicians and singers. He was associated with the band Grand Ole Opry. He gave 11 number-one hits in his musical career. His song, Hey Good Lookin’ is a simple musical composition on guitar and banjo. It contains simple lyrics and simplest musical notes. d- Bob Wills: Bob Wills was an American Western swing musician. He was an excellent songwriter. By many musical figures, he is considered as the co-founder of the western swing. He is often known as the ‘King of the Western... This paper shows some kinds of country and western music such as hillbilly music, bluegrass music, new grass, country pop, cajun music, western swing. Hillbilly Music is a specific term used to refer a certain group of people who lives in rural and mountainous areas of the Unites States. Hillbilly is closely associated with country music. The term refers to denote the old-country music or bluegrass. Hillbilly boogie was the first musical tune that contained the word, hillbilly. It was composed by Delmore Brothers in the year 1946. Bluegrass Music is another form of American music which is a subgenre of country music. It is a musical composition of different regions such as it contains musical influence of Scotland, Ireland and England’s traditional folk music on the other hand; it has some musical touch of African American compositions due to the combination of few jazz elements. This kind of music is highly inspired by the music of Appalachia To sum up the paper talks that new grass is one of the major subgenres of bluegrass music. It is a musical revival and combination of different genres used with each other to create a new kind of music. Electric instruments and other genres especially, rock and roll has played a significant role in creating this type. It became known in late 1960s and early 1970s. Gospel music defined the personal, spiritual or communal belief related to the Christian life. It gave new dimension to the musical industry and musical compositions Country pop is a subgenre of country music. Cajun Music is a symbolic music that represents Louisiana. Western swing music is a subgenre of ever-green American country music.

SAINT AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

SAINT AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSION - Essay Example First, Monica’s outstanding obedience wife to her husband influenced Augustines conversion. In addition, Monica introduced her son to Ambrose, who would later baptize him. Finally, Monica compelled and encouraged Augustine to attend school that shaped his life and would later be a priest. Augustine’s strong conviction to the Christian world originated Monica. Initially, both Patricius, (Augustines father) and Augustine were non-convert and finally got saved through the influence of Monica. Monica prayed to God on behalf of her husband’s soul and Augustine. â€Å"With a pure heart and faith in you she even more lovingly travailed in labor for my eternal salvation.†1 Augustine wonders how his parents lived harmoniously with each other saves to Monica. Monica was a God fearing individual and served her husband as her lord with care to her children. Her marvelous traits inform Augustine’s strong need for conversion. She is, therefore, significantly inspirational to Augustine making him grow as a God fearing individual hence his conversion to Christianity. Monica instills good morals to her son based on how she cared for her family, husband and merciful manner she submitted to serve God. From the assertions of Augustine, â€Å"When I was a boy, I had heard about eternal life promised to us through the humility of our Lord God. Coming down to our pride, and I was already sighed with the sigh of the cross and seasoned with salt from the time I came from my mother’s womb.†2 From here, we realize that it was the mother that firstly drew Augustine’s attentions towards the Lord. Monica became so amiable to Augustine’s father and vowed never to have a quarrel with her husband. Augustine also asserts that, ‘she anxiously labored to convince me that you, my God, were my father rather than he, and in this endeavor you helped her to gain victory over her husband.†3 From this quote, it is justified that Monica was

Friday, July 26, 2019

Legal Aspects of Health Care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Aspects of Health Care - Case Study Example Dr. Andrews (doctor) owed the duty to Bobby with regard to treatment of his left hand (amputation). He amputated the wrong hand, thus violating his duty; which also led to Bobby's loss. In addition to elements of negligence, the action by Dr. Andrews is res ipsa loquitur (that is, it speaks for itself). So there can be no two opinions that the doctor committed negligence while treating Bobby; and can be held liable to pay the damages. The actions of Nurse Williams at City General Hospitals can be reviewed using EMTALA (Federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act). EMTALA was passed in 1986 to prevent hospitals from refusing to treat a patient coming to their emergency room; on grounds of not having enough money or insurance to pay for the treatment. The Act places two main obligations on hospitals (Lafferty, 2000): 2. If it can be established that the patient's condition is in fact, an emergency; the hospital must take steps to 'stabilize' the condition before the patient can be asked to contact any other hospital for detailed treatment. In the given case, a screening examination was not conducted to determine the severity of wounds. Although, Nurse Williams attended Bobby immediately and put towels on his wound, probably to stop the flow of blood; and may be this would be presented by the hospital in defense. Yet there is no evidence that any screening examination was carried out to ascertain if the condition can be classified as emergency; and any attempt to 'stabilize' the emergency condition other than above which can hardly be classified as an attempt to stabilize Bobby's condition. The delay thus caused, resulted in deteriora36tion of the injury, which ultimately resulted in amputation. Bobby and his parents can sue

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Primary education- reflective practioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Primary education- reflective practioner - Essay Example First of all the identification of the problem or of the bottle neck at work is one step towards solving it. When a teacher cannot see the problem he must ask the senior colleague for an advice. There are several ways to identify the problems: to analyze the situation and come to the conclusion by yourself, to have some work with literature and get from there the problem identification or to ask a more experienced colleague. I believe that Action Research involves people who want to improve their skills and strategies. Every problem contributes greatly to the personal and professional development of a teacher. It brings not only additional experience but also the feeling of satisfaction when the problem is successfully resolved. According to your report researches place great importance to the literature analysis on the early stages of Action Research. Teachers do benefit from the theoretical preparation for the problem solving. It is always useful to see the thoughts of other specialist, to read scientific material or to find the same situations as you face. Action research is not the process of how to solve a concrete problem but how to make things better in your professional sphere. That is why it is important to interpret the data properly – to make some conclusions out of it. For example, a teacher faces the problem of poor parents’ interest in the studying process of their children. A teacher realizes that motivation at home plays the leading role for pupils. In order to encourage parents to be more attentive it is possible to have the parent’s meeting every week or to visit them at home reminding not to forget to check the home task of their children. Action research really brings the positive changes to the educational process. The main thing, as for me, is to feel that teaching is your cup of tea and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Final Project - Essay Example Research has shown that this disorder has been successfully treated with medication and therapy, especially for those suffering from unipolar depression, or single episode experience. For those with mixed or maniac episodes, an ongoing treatment would be necessary to stabilize their depressive moods. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) manual, published by the American Psychiatric Association (1994), and referred to as DSM-IV, described Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as a serious mental disorder that profoundly disrupted the lives of those affected by the disorder. Major Depressive Disorder is classified in the DSM-IV as Axis II: Developmental Disorders and Personality Disorders. In this classification, those who fall under criteria A for a single episode of MDD, exhibited at least five of nine symptoms: 1) depressed mood of sadness or irritability; 2) gradual diminished interest or pleasure in social or personal activities; 3) significant weight loss or gain, or increased or decreased appetite; 4) insomnia or hypersomnia; 5) psychomotor agitation or retardation; 6) fatigue or loss of energy; 7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt; 8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness; and 9) recurrent thoughts of death, or suicidal thoughts. Research has shown that MDD can be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, brought about by stress and personal loss, or by some traumatic experiences (AllPsych Online-The Virtual Psychology Classroom). MDD may also be developed through certain medical illnesses such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, and myocardial infarction (All About Depression). About 20% to 25% of those suffering from these illnesses were likely to develop this disorder. It was also found that other mental activities. He was absent in his club meetings at Mid-Ohio Raceway for the past two months. He exhibited loss of energy, when he stopped visiting his favorite

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Measuring the electrical resistivity of a wire Lab Report

Measuring the electrical resistivity of a wire - Lab Report Example For a piece of the conductor, its resistance is determined using the following relationship; Where, L is the length of the wire where the voltage is measured, and A is the area of the cross-section of the wire. Resistivity is measured in ohm-meters (ÃŽ ©m). The cross sectional area can be determined using the following formula. Conductivity specifies the electrical character of the conductor in terms of its capability in conducting current. Conductivity is measured in units of ohm-meters (ÃŽ ©m-1). Most metals are very good electricity conductors (Bird, 2013). Validity is the process of determining whether or not the obtained data is correct and the degree of its validity (Holm, 2013). The process is done by obtaining the percentage errors in the readings reflecting the data accuracy. Percentage error: In every experiment, error are meant to occur due to measurement accuracies (, 2012). In our experiment, we used the meter ruler where reading were made by eye observation. Direct observation can give different records due to different angles of view. The voltmeter and the ammeter also give wrong readings if they are not correctly calibrated. The next time we perform an experiment on the resistance of the conductor, we would first conduct research on the various factors affecting the resistance of the conductor in use and choose the most effective one. The experiment was performed by regulating the voltage on the circuit. Due to this regulations, the current flowing through the Iron conductor also changed. The reading of the different voltages were recorded and the corresponding current. Resistance was determined from the obtained recordings of the voltages and current. In the graphs obtained by plotting resistance against the length, it can be seen clearly how the length is proportionally related to the resistance. As the length increases so do the resistance. It clearly shows that our graph obeys Ohms law since the line passes

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Efficacy of the Ghanaian Democratic Experiment Essay Example for Free

The Efficacy of the Ghanaian Democratic Experiment Essay The hackneyed, yet apt and succinct, definition of Democracy by Abraham Lincoln as contained in the concluding part of his famous Gettysburg Address as ‘’†¦government of the people, by the people, for the people†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ remains today as the most quoted statement on Democracy. However, a careful examination of our democratic experiment leaves one to wonder if this definition perfectly encapsulates our experience. Our government is, granted, elected by the ordinary people, which bears testimony to the fact that we practise a form of democracy which is ‘’of the people’’. However, I contend that our form of government is not a government whose workings have, wholly, over the years, proven to be in the interest of the people. We are constantly saddled with the unfortunate and despicably capricious abrupt abrogation of government’s contracts shortly after a change from one democratically-elected head of state to another of different political persuasions. Our constitution, under The Directive Principles of State Policy, explicitly, states in Article 35, Clause (7) that, ‘’As far as practicable, a government shall continue and execute projects and programmes commenced by the previous Governments.’’ When a successive Government arbitrarily abrogates a contract, most of the time for political expediency, those who bear the brunt of this ill-advised action have always been the ordinary tax payer. Classic cases in point are the payments of judgment debts by the current and previous Governments, which were shrouded in some amount of secrecy until recent revelations. Governments engage in this reprehensible act in a sophomoric attempt to make their predecessors unpopular. Such a practice does not engender development, which democracy seeks to attain for all. Democracy must result in meaningful development for the populace, otherwise it is of no significance; we do not practise democracy just for the sake of it. It is to afford every single citizen a say in the way the country is governed, and, eventually, respond to their needs. I strongly believe this problem is, partly, caused by the lack of a common national development policy to guide our governments. The deep partisan nature of our politics makes it impossible for government and opposition parties to agree on a common development objectives. Our politics is characterised by the continual applause by Government for doing better than any government of the opposition and the continual representation of Government by the opposition parties for having done nothing. Sadly enough, this happens to be the case in most Western countries,too, and it always raises the question if we cannot adapt our democracy to our peculiar circumstances? For instance, I was surprised to hear that Mitt Romney, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the United States of America, who incidentally happened to be the person I was rooting for in last year’s American Presidential Election, imprudently, chose to attack the Obama Administration over the deaths of the US Ambassador to Libya and some American officials who were working at the embassy. I thought that in such a solemn moment, Romney would exercise some political maturity and join President Obama to issue a statement to the friends and family of those who died. But this is how far political opposition can take us! And it is no different from what we, sometimes, witness in our homeland. Political parties in and out of government oppose each other for no tangible reasons. Looking at the development deficits of our nation, it is imperative that we adapt our democracy to be more responsive to the developmental needs of the ordinary people. Another reason that makes me doubt if our democracy is really ‘’for the people’’ is the unfortunate level of participation of the Ghanaian in our democratic experiment. Again, under the aforementioned Directive Principles of State Policy, the Constitution states, inter alia, in Article 35, Clause (6), paragraph (d) that the State shall afford all possible opportunities to the people in decision-making at ever y level in national life and in government. This, to me, sounds pretty laudable in print, but in practice, the story is completely different: The only moment the Ghanaian really takes any decision in our national life is when it is time to elect Members of Parliament and the President. Beyond that time, the Ghanaian becomes merely a passive participant in the governance of the country. We usually hear refrains of ‘’Participatory Democracy’’ in the media being trumpeted by some state institutions, but, unfortunately, our Democracy does not have any real elements to showcase for that. I believe that our Democracy would be more participatory if we create more educated people, who understand the actual essence and imperatives of democratic governance. This, I suspect, would enable the greatest masses of the people to get actively engaged in the entire governance process of the country, and not merely always wait for every four years to queue up to vote. To this end, I fervently pray that Government and all other stakeholders would invest heavily in the education of our people since it is an open secret that true democracy can only thrive on an informed citizenry. And for one to be informed, one needs to have the ability to appreciate the national issues of concern; one must possess the ability of separating useless propaganda from issues which present all sides in an objective manner. This can only be achieved if the citizenry have some appreciable level of education. Another issue that worries me greatly is how our democratic practice is becoming more and more expensive. Most political parties in opposition always promise to have slimmer Government when voted into power, but we all know what happens after they win power. It costs a lot to maintain just one minister of state. Lately, we see more people working at the Presidency, some even without any official designation. It has become common to see lots of Government functionaries who describe themselves as being part of Government Communication Team. All these people are paid with the Tax Payer’s money! It is important that, as a nation, we do something drastic about our size of Government. Let us, however, not for once, delude ourselves into thinking that this problem is peculiar to the executive arm of Government. The most nauseating development, lately, in our national politics is the ritual increase of the number of constituencies by the Electoral Commission almost every four years on the basis of its constitutional mandate given to it by Article 47, clause (5) of our constitution. The foregoing article states clearly that, ‘’The Electoral Commission shall review the division of Ghana into constituencies at intervals of not less than seven years, or within twelve months after the publication of the enumeration figures after the holding of a census of the population of Ghana, whichever is earlier, and may, as a result, alter the constituencies.’’ This constitutional provision is so clear and simple to understand. I am quite worried because the approach of the Commission to this constitutional duty is making it seem as though review of division into constituencies and altering of constituencies automatically mean an increase in their number. Review and alter are not synonymous with increase in any dictionary! When you do your calculations, you can be assured that within the next forty years the country cannot find a place to accommodate our Members of Parliament to conduct Government business if the commission does not stop this practice of increasing the constituencies regularly. Maybe the best way to deal with this problem is to set a ceiling for the number of Members of Parliament in the Constitution since from all indications, the Commission’s understanding of that provision is simply to increase the number of constituencies every eight years. Without doubt, the size of the legislative arm of Government is getting too large, and we must, without any delay, start taking measures to reduce it. Ghanaians deserve quality representation, not quantity. Some Members of Parliament do not make any contribution to parliamentary debates in the chamber of the House, and some, I understand, do not make any meaningful contribution at the committees’ level. The strong brouhaha over the creation of the forty-five new constituencies last year was quite expected. As much as the argument about the unfavourableness of the time, was, sincerely, perfectly in order, the popular belief that a country of twenty-four million is not too huge to warrant more than two hundred legislative representatives is just the point. In the first place, the Commission should not have even created the thirty constituencies in 2004. It is not a matter of legalities; it is a matter of common sense. Anytime any person opposes the creation of the new constituencies, the Commission quickly rebuts that it is its constitutional mandate. Well, the constitution talks of review, not necessarily an increase. Our democratic experiment may be fraught with some difficulties, but my most fervent prayer is that we should never allow any malcontent(s) to truncate this political system. I would hope that we invest in education and strengthening state institutions. These two exercises are critical to deepening democratic culture in our country. I pray that all Ghanaians would get their hands on deck so that we can move forward collectively to truly build a better Ghana.

Oliver Twist the novel Essay Example for Free

Oliver Twist the novel Essay In Oliver Twist, the novel, Dickens uses a variety of language techniques to show how villainous Bill Sikes is. The vocabulary he uses is course and elementary. That, with the use of short, sharp sentences gives a fierce thuggish effect. In the film, Bill Sikes is calm in his words however with brutal with his actions. In the film adaptation he is also presented with a delicate, more human side rather than being pot rayed as a monster all the time, like in the novel. This is helped with the non-diegetic sound, to help create and eerie and tense atmosphere. In the novel, Dickens describes him as a Robber, Housekeeper these negative words add to his person as wanting to be the alpha-male. The language Sikes uses is not thought out properly. He says whatever comes into his head and this is why he is always quick to reply. In the film, even though Nancy explains herself, he hits her, and only after hitting her he realises what he has done. In conclusion, the way that Bill Sikes is presented as a villain in both the original novel by Charles Dickens and the BBC film adaptation are quite different. The villainy and the traits of Bill Sikes are portrayed by the language used by Charles Dickens which is short and sharp for fast paced action. The interactions of Bill Sikes with the other characters in the scene and chapter in which Bill Sikes completely ignores Fagin’s warnings and is very brutal to Nancy. Furthermore his villainy is also enhanced by the author’s and the film maker’s craft and use of various devices such as non-diegetic music and how Bill Sikes is called various names in the novel and finally his presentation of a villain is also based upon how he treats Nancy and how he reacts to his surroundings. In the novel he is presented to far more villainous than he is in the BBC film adaptation as in the adaptation there is remorse and regret over Nancy’s death.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis

Benefits of using Cost Volume Profit analysis Cost Volume Profit Analysis Table of Contents Introduction CVP analysis and decision making Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume Fixed vs. variable costs Break even analysis: Margin of safety 1.Non- Linear CVP analysis: 2.Linear CVP analysis: Operating Leverage Income Tax benefits: Future forecasting Preparation of Budgets: Cost Control: Price Determination: Profit Planning: Risk Assessment: Decision Making: Conclusion References Describe the benefits of using cost volume profit analysis for management decision making Introduction Every organization needs to calculate future revenues in order to help the managers carry out their operations effectively. Cost volume is the approach used for this purpose. Cost Volume Profit analysis or CVP analysis helps in identifying the operating activity levels with a purpose to avoid any kind of losses and achieve profits. Moreover, it also helps the companies to plan their future operations and see whether their organizational performance is going on the right track or not (Lewis). While conducting a business, the companies also have to face various risks and in order to counter those risks, CVP analysis is an effective tool. The following project tends to analyze the fundamental concepts regarding cost volume profit analysis along with an illustration of how these concepts can be useful in carrying out organizational operations. CVP analysis and decision making Cost Volume Profit analysis helps organizations to examine their profits, costs and prices with respect to any changed that occur in sales volume. CVP is an effective tool that helps accountants to engage in decision making regarding future operations (Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis)). Moreover, it also helps in making the following decisions for the company: It helps to analyze which products and services are beneficial and how can company use these products and services to generate the maximum amount of revenue. It also explains what sales volume will be needed by the company in order to achieve a fixed level of profits Moreover, it tells how much revenue should the company target so as to make sure that no losses occur It also highlights what would be expected budget of the company It also helps to calculate company’s fixed costs and measure the amount of risk associated with any investment Relationship between revenues, costs, profits and volume CVP analysis helps to find out the relationship between the above mentioned elements in a graphical format. For example: if a company has contribution margin of 300, 400 and 500 units respectively on its income statements, then the CVP graph can be represented as follows: The contribution margin ratio used for this purpose can be calculated as follows: CM ratio = Total CM Total Sales This ratio can be used to calculate unit contribution margin and the total contribution margin (MAAW, 2011). The unit contribution margin helps us to calculate the difference between total revenues and unit costs of the company whereas the total contribution margin is related to the difference between total revenues and the total costs of a company. In other words, the total can be calculated by multiplying the unit cost with the total number of units. So, this shows can CVP is an effective tool for calculating the contribution margin. Fixed vs. variable costs Another benefit that organizations get by using the cost volume profit analysis is the decision making about different types of costs. This is important because while carrying out a business, the company is not concerned with the total amount rather it is concerned with the actual cost behavior. This is so because cost behavior helps us to classify the costs into various categories such as fixed, variable, administrative and so on. For example: Let’s take a company with fixed costs F, variable costs V and the total number of units equal to X, its contribution margin will be equal to (P-V)X and profit can be calculated as follows: Profit = (P-V) X F Break even analysis: Cost volume profit analysis can also help the organizations in calculating the breakeven point which is the point at which the profits become equal to zero. This can be done by finding the break even volume and then using it to make graphical representations. The break even volume can either be expressed in dollars or in units depending upon the nature and type of the organization (Cafferky, 2010). For instance: if the organization makes a large amounts of products, then the company must prefer to calculate the breakeven volume in the form of sales dollars while in case of one product company, the unit method might be a more effective calculation of sales volume. Presented below are the calculation method and the graphical representation in both cases: Break even volume in unit method = Fixed costs Unit contribution margin Break even volume in sales dollar method = Fixed costs Contribution margin ratio This chart illustrated that at the breakeven point, the profits of the company become zero and below this point, the company begins to incur losses. So, it is a beneficial tool for the organizations which help them to analyze what should be the target ad how this target can be achieved by managing the fixed as well as variable costs and also by preparing a plan for the future operations. Margin of safety A new element introduced in this chart is the margin of safety which refers to the amount by which the sales revenues of a company might decrease because it begins to incur any losses. It is also called as the cushion of loss which provides a deeper insight into the company’s profits, losses and revenues. It can be calculated as follows: Margin of Safety = Sales – Breakeven sales Marin of safety ratio = Margin of safety Sales Larger ratios are preferred because they indicate that there is a lower risk that the company would reach breakeven point of even below it. This is the simplest method of calculating the breakeven point. However, it is not the only one. There are two types of methods used by different companies in order to benefit from the CVP approach (Yunkera Yunker, 2003). 1. Non- Linear CVP analysis: This approach is used mostly for the purpose of economics in order to calculate various elements such as productivity and returns in the long run. However, this has not proved to be a really good approach because it has unreliable input parameters. Since it is designed specifically for the long term transactions, therefore; it is not really credible and reliable approach for making short term business calculations. Moreover, it has been found to be more complex as compared to the simple breakeven calculation. 2. Linear CVP analysis: This is more realistic, practical and reliable approach to find the relationship between costs and revenues. It is the breakeven method that presents the things in a rather simple and â€Å"easy to understand† way. However, in order to make this approach a more effective one, the following 5 things need to be followed: Keeping the sale price constant Keeping the variable cost per unit also constant The total fixed costs must also remain the same In case of more than one product lines, the company should try to keep the sales volume constant The number of units sold must be equal to the number of units produced. Operating Leverage Another benefit that companies gain by using the CVP approach is the operating leverage benefit which explains how the cost structure of an organization is made up of fixed cost processes. This is a huge benefit because the cost structure is directly related to the level of growth and profit a company has (Phillips, 1994). Operating leverage can vary greatly from one company to another. In the firms that have a high ratio of fixed costs as compared to the variable costs, the operating leverage is good because it produces a high contribution margin. Similarly, higher fixed sales also mean that the company has a higher breakeven point. A higher breakeven point is directly related to the financial success of the company because at this point, the company can claim high profits at a much higher rate (Raichura, 2007). Income Tax benefits: Similarly, the simple CVP model can be extended to other issues such as the calculation of incorporate taxes of multiple products within a company. This is done by modifying the profit equation of the chart to include taxes as well. This analysis can also be extended to those firms that offer more than one product or service rather than a simple product. This can be calculated as follows: After tax profit = [(P-V) X – F] x (1 – t) Future forecasting By using the above mentioned models, approaches and graphs, managers can analyze the direction in which their company is moving and this analysis might help them to better understand the different operations and activities within the organizations. By getting beforehand knowledge of profits and costs, the company can manage them in a more efficient way to increase productivity. Preparation of Budgets: Since the cost profit volume analysis helps in determining the level of sales and thus helps organizations to achieve their desired targets. This approach would help the managers to prepare their budgets which consist of the costs as well as the revenues at any level of production within the organization. Cost Control: The biggest benefit of CVP analysis is to evaluate the cost volume changes within an organization and the impact of these changes on revenue generation. For instance: there is a dental hospital that wants to purchase a new dental machine so that the patient’s level of satisfaction can be increased by reducing the time required for dental treatment. The purchase of this new machine will tend to increase fixed costs of an organization. So, at such complex situations, the cost volume analysis can be the most effective tool to help in simplifying the company’s decision. If this dental hospital uses CVP analysis, it can manage to decrease its variable costs by maintain the profit at the same desired level. Price Determination: It is another benefit of using this approach. For example: taking the above example again, if any competitor within the dental industry has set the price at AED 50,000 for a single dental operation and the business cannot provide this operation at any cost lower than AED 20,000, then the company can use cost profit volume analysis to compare the competitor’s price with the fixed and variable costs of its own operations and thus it can manage to come up with a price that is in the best interest of the company. Profit Planning: The aim of any business is to create value for the customers and to get profits for the company. However, managing all operations and costs in such a way that can maximize profits is not an easy task. Therefore, organizations have to consider a lot of things in order to engage in proper profit planning techniques. The CVP analysis can help the companies to create the best and most profitable combination of cost, price and sales volume. Thus, it can help managers to calculate and estimate their profit at different levels and for different range of products. Risk Assessment: The business world is changing and due to several internal s well as external threats associated with any industry, businesses have to face too many risks. Although the calculation of risk and return through measuring a constant (beta) is a method in finance but managerial accounting is also concerned with this. Managing risk is too significant for any business because it tends to define all the procedures and practices involved within an organization. Therefore, CVP is a tool which helps to calculate risk particularly in terms of costs and volumes. After analyzing this risk, the companies can come up with efficient solutions to reduce this risk. Decision Making: All the above mentioned benefits re directly or indirectly related to the decision making processes of a company. Any business organization has to make a lot of decisions regarding their price, their costs, and products, fixed and variable unit costs and so on. The CVP approach simplifies this process by providing the companies with a breakeven point and by helping them to engage in better decision making and planning for the future. Conclusion So, the project has presented a detailed analysis of how is CVP calculated and how can it be used to benefit an organization. Out of the two types of CVP approaches, linear approach is the simple one and it provides companies with easy ways to make estimates regarding costs, prices and sales volumes. The calculation of breakeven pint helps in decision making for a company by providing it a better future forecasting, risk assessment,, price estimation and so on. In other word, the cost volume profit approach has a direct impact on improving the organizational performance and productivity. References Breakeven analysis (CVP analysis). (n.d.). Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from Cafferky, M. (2010). Breakeven Analysis: The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Business Expert Press. Lewis, J. (n.d.). Advantages Disadvantages of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from MAAW. (2011). The controversy over contribution margin approach. Phillips, P. A. (1994). Welsh Hotel: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and Uncertainty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31-36. Raichura, K. (2007). C-V-P Analysis Operating Leverage. Retrieved 4 9, 2014, from Yunkera, J. A., Yunker, P. J. (2003). Stochastic CVP analysis as a gateway to decision-making under uncertainty. Journal of accounting Education, 339-365.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay Comparing Solzhenitsyns Gulag and Camus The Stranger (The Outsider) :: comparison compare contrast essays

Camus' Stranger and Solzhenitsyn's Gulag      Ã‚  Ã‚   We must tell them what we have learned here. We must tell them that there is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still. They will listen to us, Corrie, because we have been here. 1    The dying words of Betsie ten Boom to her sister Corrie in the Ravensbruck concentration camp reveal a strength and victory even in great oppression. Historically, Christianity is full of voices crying victory in the midst of the terror. Elijah and David hiding in caves, the prophets of the Babylonian captivity, St. John's Apocalypse during the Domitian persecutions, the confessions of Foxe's martyrs all testify to God's power and truth even in the most severe circumstances. However, much twentieth-century writing sides with a view of God similar to that of Albert Camus--God either does not exist or is evil. The oppressive evil of our age is often used to prove divine indifference. Nevertheless, literature coming out of severe oppression often says the opposite. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn shares that for many the experience of injustice and oppression makes a person appreciate truth much more. And with truth comes a more orthodox Christian view of life.    Life's Suffering Proves God Does Not Care    Camus wrote, "An injustice remains inextricably bound to all suffering, even the most deserved in the eyes of man."2 Suffering and injustice should demonstrate divine indifference to any "thinking person."    Knowing whether or not man is free involves knowing whether he can have a master ... For in the presence of God there is less a problem of freedom than a problem of evil." You know the alternative: either we are not free and God the all-powerful is responsible for evil. Or we are free and responsible but God is not all-powerful.3    Seeing the promises of both Christianity and Socialism as offering hollow hopes, Camus opts for the "happy" state of "no hope." At least, then, the problem of suffering and injustice is understood when the thinker partakes of "the wine of the absurd and the bread of indifference."    Meursault's Indifference Camus illustrates this well in The Stranger. Meursault is a prisoner. He killed a man in cold blood.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Word-Processing Software Essay -- Pedagogy Technology Writing Writers

Word-Processing Software Technology allows our communities to move and think faster. Reflective of our society, the Internet and related software have excelled the speed of writing too. True, the written word is at the top of its popularity thus far in history, as the latest technologies still require words. In the twenty-first century, people on average write more than ever before. Reading Web sites, writing emails, and surfing the Web are all technological customs found in everyday life for those with computer access. The last twenty years have revolutionized writing practices and to tell you the truth, I’d label the keyboard as my writing utensil of choice. However, advancing technologies offer problematic implications on literacy. With the speed of our culture and the capabilities of word-processing software, students might lose a basic comprehension in regards to writing. Proper punctuation, capitalization, spelling and grammar appear unimportant in informal text practices. A student could argue why he or she should learn proper grammar and spelling if a software product can do the job for them. Perhaps, we should step back to examine the effects of word-processing software on writing while a student is in the developmental phase. In addition, highlighting the inadequacies of word-processing software will illustrate why high-school teachers should integrate a balanced learning atmosphere. A generation overly dependent on specialized grammar, style and spelling software features could spell trouble. Corporate Involvement/Word-Processing Software: Marketing campaigns are prominent within academic settings. Deron Boyles' American Education and Corporations focuses on these rel...> LaRocgue, Paula. â€Å"Does Your Computer Really Know Grammar?† The Quill v. 87 no 4 (June 1999): 52 Long, Bridget Terry. "American Education and Corporations (Book Review)." Teachers College Record v. 104 no 5 (August 2002): 996-998 Procter, Margaret. â€Å"Software to Support Writing Instruction." Essay posted on University of Toronto Web site. 3 June 2003. <> Sloane, Sarah J. "The Haunting Story of J." Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies (1999): 49-65 Sturm, Janet M.; Rankin, Joan L.; Beukelman, David R. â€Å"How to Select Appropriate Software for Computer-Assisted Writing.† Intervention in School and Clinic v. 32 (Jan. 1997): 148-61 Waslow, Omar. â€Å"Word Processing Skills are Not Writing Skills.† Issues in Higher Education v. 15 no13 (20 August 1998): 100